Download Ekattor 8 School Management System (SAAS) Nulled Free CodeCanyon 39611172
Feature of Ekattor School Management System
- Student admission system
- Fully functional and automated admission form for student enrolment
- Enroll students to a specific class for a certain session
- Bulk import of students
- Import as many students as you want using csv file
- Class management with multiple sections
- Add sections to a class
- Ability to assign teacher for a section
- Multiple sections under a certain class
- Class-wise subject management
- Add subjects for each class separately
- Assign a teacher for a subject
- Class routine or class schedule
- Manage class timetables section-wise
- Change timetable when required
- Student promotion
- Promote a student from one class to another
- Ability to choose which students get promoted and who are not
- Promote students to a new academic session
- Ability to have a look at student’s results while promoting
- Students’ daily attendance
- Take attendance of students daily
- Keep track if students are absent
- Students’ attendance report